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Taiwan - ESLinsider's Blog Category Page For Insightful Posts That Help You To Teach English & Live In Taiwan

These are articles from the blog related to teaching English and living in Taiwan. I taught in Taiwan for 2 years. I lived in Tainan and Taichung.

For starters I recommend that you start with this detailed article on teaching English in Taiwan. Otherwise you will find related posts below.

A Forgotten Taiwanese Factory
Best TEFL course for Taiwan?
Bring it on Taiwan: Pollution
Caged Apartment Windows in Taiwan
Can Non-Native English Speakers Teach English Abroad?
Can you teach English in Asia now during COVID?
Come To Asia and Eat A Dick... Waffle
Face Masks in Taiwan
Fantastic Fruit in Taiwan and China
Have you ever moved to a new city with no job lined up?
Hip Hop in Japan, Taiwan, China, and Korea
How I got a job teaching ESL in China, Korea and Taiwan
How much do things cost in Taiwan? Food, living, rent...
How much money do I need to bring to China, Korea, Taiwan or Japan?
How to Find Couple Positions Teaching English Abroad in Asia
How To Get A Job Teaching English In Taiwan
How to make $NT100,000 teaching English in Taiwan
How to save $1000 a month teaching English in Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan
If These 21 Reasons To Teach English in Taiwan Don't Make Your Head More Clear Then The Last One Might Give You A Gut Feeling
Is Teaching English In Taiwan In Your Near Future? Let's See If It Is
It's Crowded In Asia & Even Crazier On The Weekends
Living in Taichung, Taiwan
Living in Tainan, Taiwan
Low pay & high costs for Taiwan's undergraduates
Nose Surgery in Taiwan
Pollution in Asia - Where's the trash can?
Racism in Korea, China, Japan and Taiwan
Riding A Bike In Asia: Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China
Should you stay or move?
Taiwanese girl does my laundry
Taiwanese Self Foot Massage Paths
The Best Beach Places for Teaching English in Taiwan
Where should I teach English in Asia? China, Korea, Japan or Taiwan?
Will you work in a buxiban, hagwon, eikaiwa or training center? Learn more about them here
Your Salary Teaching English In Asia Will Probably Be This