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This is a summary of "How to Teach English" by Jeremy Harmer. This is a practical book which covers the aspects of being a good teacher, dealing with problems and the unexpected in the classroom.

How to teach English summary

It describes, simplifies and gives us an introduction to language including grammar and more. It focuses mainly on teaching adults. The summary is designed to save you time. It captures the key points, offers commentary and a review in just 20+ pages.

Need more training?

TEKA is a course that specializes in teaching English to children in Asia. It also includes 4 ebooks including:

  • How to get a good job teaching English in Asia
  • The Lazy Teacher's Guide To TEFL
  • How To Kill It Teaching English In A Hagwon In Korea
  • Comprehensive Guide To Teaching English In Asia
  • 101 Teaching English (ESL) Tips
  • etc etc etc


Check it out.